Liz Tracey

NOTE: Liz is one of the facilitators. Being a facilitator is a big, difficult job that requires attempting to control a potentially loud and unruly group of a lot of people. More preparation is needed than for almost all the other people attending the meeting. Please only express interest in being a facilitator if you are willing to put in the preparation work and feel you would be good at it.

Background: Liz is a white lesbian.

Role in ACT UP: Liz had been the chair of the Outreach Committee and is now one of the Monday night meeting facilitators. She is also part of the Caucus to House Homeless PWA’s Now.

Groups/friends at the meeting: Sydney Pokorny

Specific tasks at the March 13, 1989 meeting: Facilitator

Additional information: at about the 4:34 minute mark of the ACT UP Meeting Prior to Target City Hall

David Robinson goes into great detail about being a facilitator starting at the 41:20 minute mark of this interview … I highly recommend that anyone who is facilitating listen to at least this section: