Sign Up

Fight Back will take place next on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7pm (arrive 6:30pm to 7pm) in Manhattan. There are two steps to sign up:


(Want to participate but can’t afford this? Want to help pay for other people to participate? Click here.)


If you're paying for more than one person, a questionnaire is needed for each person. Each person should fill out their own questionnaire. It's important that everyone knows what they are signing up for. Fight Back involves preparation and engagement, so please don't drag anyone along reluctantly to Fight Back. If anyone doesn't want to take part, it will ruin their experience, your experience, and everyone's experience. 


Immediately after you pay, you will receive an email confirmation. Then, about a week before February 24, you will receive another email with information about your persona and what you'll need to know for the date. Please send a note if you don't receive that email within 5 five days before February 24. Most of the information that is applicable to everyone is also available on this website for you to read through now.