Gran Fury

Gran Fury is a small collective of ACT UPers creating much of the graphic design for ACT UP.  Gran Fury started as an open group, but became a closed, invitation-only group when having so many members proved unwieldy.

Gran Fury is planning a kissing project: a poster campaign showing different types of couples kissing, to drive home the point that HIV is not transmissible through casual contact. Before the meeting starts (and/or when people break into groups to discuss their plans for Target City Hall), Gran Fury should gather to discuss who to target at the meeting to see if they will be photographed for the kissing project, and should approach those people during the meeting to ask them. 


Richard Elovich

Avram Finkelstein

Amy Heard

Tom Kalin

John Lindell

Loring McAlpin

Marlene McCarty

Donald Moffett

Michael Nesline

Mark Simpson

Robert Vazquez-Pacheco