Lee Schy
Background: Lee is a 30 year old white, HIV-positive gay man. He is a photographer and artist who frequently uses images of himself and his fellow activists in his photos/art. Lee lives at 51 West 19th Street with his partner Joe Ferrari, who he met through ACT UP.
Role in ACT UP: Lee had been on the Logistics Committee, which was part of the Actions Committee.
Groups/friends at the meeting: In a relationship/lives with Joe Ferrari; Gregg Bordowitz; Brian Zabcik; Maria Maggenti
Specific tasks at the March 13, 1989 meeting: Lee is on the agenda to announce that a new affinity group will be meeting on Tuesday (tomorrow), and will ask people to come meet him at the side of the room now if they are looking for an affinity group for Target City Hall.
Additional information: Page about Lee