
Note: Rollerena dressed very flamboyantly and distinctively. If you’re coming to the meeting as Rollerena, you’d best dress the part.

Background: Rollerena is a 42 year old who identifies as a man, but is well known in ACT UP and the greater community for inimitable style: outrageous hats, glasses, gowns, and, of course, roller skates. Rollerena grew up in Kentucky, was drafted and went to Vietnam, and moved to New York after getting out of the army. Rollerena got involved in the 1970s hippie movement, and started roller skating in conjunction with that. Soon Rollerena combined that persona with appearances at all of the big gay events. Rollerena lives and works a government job in traditional men’s clothing, but always attends ACT UP meetings in full regalia. Rollerena has lived on the Upper East Side near Park Avenue for 20 years.

Role in ACT UP: Rollerena is the Ticket Queen. If there is an event (bus fare to an action, entrance fees, etc.), Rollerena circulates around the floor and sells the tickets.

Groups/friends at the meeting: Rollerena is in the Delta Queens.

Specific tasks at the March 13, 1989 meeting: Immediately after the trip to Albany to support protesting healthcare workers is announced, Rollerena will circulate around the room and sell tickets for seats on the the buses to that action.

Additional information:

(Rollerena talks in fascinating detail about life in the Army for the first 90 minutes, and talks about the gay community and ACT UP after that).

Photo of Rollerena