Ron Goldberg

Background: Ron is a 30 year old white, gay, Jewish man who grew up in Great Neck, Long Island. He moved to New York after college in 1980 to pursue an acting career. Ron had an active gay New York life -- bars, Fire Island, Gay Pride, volunteering for the March on Washington. Ron started coming to ACT UP in June 1987. Having segued out of acting to devote more time to his activism work, Ron is working temp office jobs while devoting most of his time to ACT UP.

Role in ACT UP: Ron recently stepped down as the chair of the Actions Committee, where he was in charge of all of the logistical details of dozens of ACT UP actions, and he is still heavily involved in actions. For Target City Hall, he is spearheading the development, teaching, and leading of the chants that people and groups can use at the action.

Groups/friends at the meeting:  Ron knows just about everyone, but at this meeting he will be working closest with the principals planning Target City Hall.

Specific tasks at the March 13, 1989 meeting: Ron is on the agenda, as part of the Target City Hall report, to teach 3 new chants for Target City Hall (Here is a link to chants Ron will choose from to teach.). Ron will teach the chants and have the Floor repeat them. Ron also will tell the floor that there was a Housing Teach-In on Wednesday, March 8 at the Center about the lack of city housing for PWAs, and that anyone looking to get involved with this issue should talk to anyone on the Caucus to House Homeless PWAs Now. He'll ask anyone on the caucus to raise their hands so people will know who to talk to.

Additional information: ACT UP chants at about the 48 minute mark of the ACT UP Pre-Action Meetings video